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Question: What's the difference between hyperopia (hypermetropia) and presbyopia? I cannot understand the difference b/c in both situations the person can't see near him, for example can't read. Also, I've heard that people with hyperopia have also sometimes problems, seeing at a far distance. Is this the reason they are apart as a condition? Help :) Plz don't be hard with your answers cause I am not an optician or optometrist or ophthalmologist to know. I really appreciate your answers. Thanks! (:

Answer: Actually, hyperopia (farsightedness) means that your eye at rest (not accomodating) is focusing beyond infinity. A normal young person can accomodate over a certain range. Ideally, your resting eye focuses exactly at infinity and you accomodate to look close. You can be slightly hyperopic and accomodate to see far away and even more to see near. This may lead to eye strain over time. Very hyperopic people need glasses to read, or possibly even to see far things. Presbyopia is when you start losing your ability to accomodate. For people who had good vision most of their life, this manifests as an inability to focus close up. For people who are nearsighted to begin with, they may still be able to read fine without their glasses but put them on to see far. It's pretty common to see nearsighted people remove their glasses when trying to look at small things up close.


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