Diets & Weight Loss


The ability to see clearly only objects at up close; difficulty seeing objects at a distance

Question: Near Sighted? I'm 14 but my eyes are -7.5 degress, which is BAD! I've first got my glasses in Grade 4 and now my eyes are getting worse and worse. What can I do to prevent this other than LASIK.

Answer: I have been nearsighted since jr normal vision is 20/400 (pretty close to leagally blind!) I used glasses fr a year and each year my prescription got worse, I eventually started using contacts (which I LOVE!!!) and my eyes kept getting worse year after year. Now I am 29 and for the past 2 years, my eyes have leveled off. My doctor says that eventually your eyes do even out and settle in a specific prescription. I looked into LASIK and I thought about getting it done...I heard many great stories about it, but then I heard that later on down the road you will have to either get it redone or wind up wearing glasses anyway, so I figured, why spend the $$, just to have it done again ro to end up here I am now....I guess its all up to the person's individual preferences....research the dr beforehand too but like a previous person said, glasses arent that bad (and contacts are not so bad either!)


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