Diets & Weight Loss


The roof of the mouth

Question: How do damon braces widen you palate withouth using a palate expander? I have been to many orthodontists over the years and they all have told me the same thing, I would need a palate expander. When I went to my current orthodontist he explained the expansion would come natural when I got damon braces. Any information would help. thnkx!

Answer: Actually, Damon archwires are what does the widening/expanding. The orthodontist I used to work for used them regularly and in many cases on patients that would have needed a palatal expander before Damon came along. They worked well. Other brands of braces have archwires that are shaped more narrow than Damon which does not allow for expansion. In my opinion, Damon is the best. If your upper jaw is extremely narrow, they may not work as well. You can get a second opinion from another orthodontist easily.


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