Diets & Weight Loss


Belly button, navel

Question: What is the umbilicus cord attached to inside the human body and does it have any purpose for an adult? Where does it go to in an adult person? What is it attached to? Can it be used for a surgical purpose? In a baby, it feeds from the mother. in an adult person, it must go somewhere? If you twingle your belly button, you can feel twinges or toingling inside of you...or is it just me?

Answer: (1) The umbilical cord is cut at childbirth. The remaining nubbin at what will become the belly-button dries up and falls off within a week or two. It has no use to an adult, and thus does not exist except within a pregnant female carrying a live fetus. The remainder of the umbilical cord is expelled from the mother with the rest of the afterbirth. (2) In the womb, the cord attaches the child to the wall of the uterus. Without the cord, the baby would never grow and survive (this goes for all mammals). The baby obviously can't eat, or drink, or breath for itself in the womb. The mother supplies all of this material as pre-digested nutrients and with oxygenated blood to the fetus through the umbilical cord. If this were to be somehow damaged or destroyed, the baby could easily die or suffer a serious physical and/or mental impairment. (3) Surgical purposes? I don't know what that means. But it is currently en vogue to "bank" cord blood extracted at the time of birth for use later, as it is believed to be beneficial in fighting various physical problems that may arise as the child grows. This may also apply to siblings.


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