Diets & Weight Loss

Temporal Lift

A method to raise the side of the eyebrows through an incision in the hair at the temples

Question: What religion are you, and what do you think of the Christian religious-right? I'm a Christian and I detest the religious right. They make God a political weapon and put temporal politics above their spiritual walk. Also they tend to want to legislate their morality while meanwhile they do not lift a finger on their own to live according to their own teachings (Matthew 23)

Answer: I follow Jesus i don't believe in religon or the denomenationial beliefs i believe denominations and religon separates the body of Christ don't get me wrong i believe God has people in them that truly love him and follow him i just believe what the Holy Spirit has taught me about this matter thats all i stuggle with this for awhile untill it was opened unto me thats all. may my God Bless Your Heart and Spirit.


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