Diets & Weight Loss


A permanently etched or pigmented mark in the skin

Question: tattoo????? hi im planning on getting a tattoo of a cupcake on my foot i take to pain pretty well but people scare me telling me about the pain is it really that bad??? plus ita my first one... yea a cupcake cuz im really girlie and i have a strange obsession with them if you knew me you would understand ;)

Answer: It depends on where your tattoo is placed & your own pain tolerance. How sensitive are your feet? In general, areas where there is less fatty tissue or more nerves, tend to be more painful. Take a needle or safety pin & tap it repeatedly in the area you want your tattoo, don't draw blood, this will give you an idea of what you can expect. My personal exp. has been that it is more of a burning sensation with the most painful part being the outline as the needle penetrates deeper than shading needles and the body hasn't had a chance to start throwing out its painkillers yet.


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