Diets & Weight Loss

Subcutaneous Technique

In facelift surgery,a surgical procedure that tightens skin without removing any tissue underneath it

Question: can someone please check my essay ? Outer beauty is very important to women at this day and age. Some women are blessed with it while others have to work on it to improve there outside appearance. The dreaded curse that has best ode up on millions of woman is cellulite. Whether you are thin or curvy, cellulite is a problem. Despite the dimpled appearance of cellulite there are many ways to reduce and minimize it with adequate exercise, a well balanced diet, and a few tricks of the trade massage techniques The reduction and even elimination of cellulite can be achieved with adequate exercise. Women tend to store a high percentage of body fat in their hips and buttocks, unlike the man who pack it on their middle. For example when it comes to working out “several studies note that female, athletes who generally have a lower body fat regularly have less cellulite”. The gluteus is mostly all muscle, which responds to consistent training in order to see visible results in the minimization of cellulite. The mode of exercise that would be beneficial is aerobic, wether it is walking, running or swimming. It should be preformed three to five times a week, for at least thirty to fifty minutes. Next and perhaps the most important to ones exercise agenda is the resistance training exercise program. Resistance training targets the specific muscles that are being worked on, which encourages maximal results. If a woman want to work on her gluteus and thigh the squats, leg press and lunges are great for that. Eating healthy is just as beneficial as exercise, to reduce access fat and eliminate the cottage cheese appearance of cellulite. Watching the caloric intake, and minimizing certain unhealthy foods. Women should reduce the consumption of coffee, fatty foods and alcohol. Cereals such as oats are high in fiber, and are an excellent source of energy. The cereals are a great source of antioxidant for fighting cellulite. For example, “ antioxidant has been shown to increase the rate that the body burns calories”. Reducing cellulite will require to built muscle, and muscles are built from protein. It is essential for woman to have a diet high in protein such as, fish, lean meat, low fat milk, egg whites and nuts. Carbohydrates go hand in hand with high protein foods includes all vegetables, salads, whole grains beads, oatmeal and fruits. So a caloric restricted diet plan to help eliminate some of the underlining body fat should be implemented. Women workout and diet constantly to eliminate the cellulite from their body but they are only fighting half of the battle, the other half is vigorous massage. Cellulite is a hereditary condition that most if not all women have over the age of eighteen. The subcutaneous fat that causes cellulite is stored in the dermis, in order to proceed directly to the source the problem, there are several massage techniques. Using a luffa or a shower brush when teaking a bath can improve circulation, relive muscle spasm, and assist in the reducing the dimpling appearance caused by cellulite. Another anti cellulite massage is cupping. It is an ancient Chinese massage technique, which has been practiced for thousand of years. To perform the technique, “light a candle and insert it into a glass cup to create a vacuum. Quickly move the cup over to the area to be worked on, and remove the candle and invert the cup onto the body”. This form of massage, “ through suction and negative pressure, cupping releases rigid soft tissue: drains excess fluids and toxins, loosen adhesions and lifts the connective tissue and brings blood flow to stagnant skin and muscles”. Massage can fight the battle against the cottage cheese appearance of cellulite. thank you !!!!!!

Answer: I think you need a better opening paragraph and sentence. If a woman want to work on her gluteus and thigh the squats, leg press and lunges are great for that. *****WANTS*****


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