Diets & Weight Loss

Spider Angioma

A cluster of tiny blood vessles that radiate from a central point

Question: spider angioma question please help? I have 2 big spider angiomas! and I have little pin prick size ones too, I have lots about 15 on each arm. I showed my doctor twice and she isn't worried about them But then I look on the internet and I find it can mean you have leukemia or liver disease! Which one is right?? please help!

Answer: I would believe your doctor over some internet doctor. You doctor would know your medical history, and if they have seen it they can diagnosis it better. Even know they are human too, and they get things wrong. But they are more reliable then internet doctors. But its up to you if you think 'that doctor' was good enough. Meaning, how long they have been in medical practice for a long time, or how long they have gone to school, and how long they have been a doctor for.


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