Diets & Weight Loss

Lactic Acid

A chemical derived from milk used as a mild exfoliant

Question: Lactic acid? Hi, Does any body know of any ways to reduce the amount of lactic acid build up in your muscles,for instance are there any foods i can eat I go running in the mornings and my leg muscles just can't take it,yet on certain days i can run the same distance no problem? At least i think it's lactic acid so any advice or tips would be helpful. Thank you in advance.

Answer: Lactic acid is the product of running anaerobically. Your body uses the citric acid energy system which does not allow for the blood to get rid of the by product "lactic acid" fast enough to continue the exercise. This is why you start to seize up when sprinting very far. You can train yourself to tolerate higher levels of lactic acid by doing stress intervals. If your muscles are bothering you the next day it is not lactic acid. Tests have shown that no lactic acid is present in the muscles after 6 hours regardless of your cool down or stretching. The soreness is micro tears in the muscle fiber from the exercise the day before, or 2 days before. Cool down well, stretch, do some massage, take it easy for one to two days after a hard work out. This is why you should alternate hard and easy days. If you continue to be sore you are over training.


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