Diets & Weight Loss

Diode Laser

A laser used for hair removal, tattoo removal, and vein treatments

Question: How do I get the laser diode out of my laser pointer? I've taken apart my laser pointer and now all thats left is part of the shell of the pointer and the laser diode that was jammed in it. I've tried pushing the diode out, but I'm afraid I'll break it. What can I do? Also, if I should keep trying to push it out, should I push on the 3-prong end or the lens thing end?

Answer: most laser pointers have an LED in them. however, if you have a real one, what i would do is take a blunt object and push it through from the opening towards the back- something like a pen cap. the '3-prong' end are the leads, if you break them, its a real pain to resolder them back on.


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