Diets & Weight Loss

Cosmetic Dentistry

The specialty of dentistry to improve the appearance of the teeth and smile

Question: Cosmetic Dentistry?!? My teeth are relatively straight, except my canine teeth (or "eye" teeth) stick out way further then the rest of my teeth, and there very pointy. They're also uneven, one tooth is way longer than the other. How can I get this fix with cosmetic dentistry? What would they have to do (bonding, reshaping, recountouring, veneers) ? How much would it cost about, and what age at the youngest would they be able to do it (im 15 btw). Thanks in advance!

Answer: They would more than likely reshape the teeth and do bonding. I was just in the dentist this morning to get a cleaning and I talked to them about bonding. My teeth are perfectly straight, but the way my eye teeth are shaped there is a bit of a gap...nothing major but since I'm anal about my teeth, I want to get it fixed. They said it would cost around $220.00 PER TOOTH...and thats w/ insurance. Its because its considered cosmetic surgery. Hope this helped! BTW you could get it done at your age.


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