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Question: Calculus..............................… Every time I look at calculus I keep asking the same question. Algebra1, Geometry, Algebra2, pre calculus can be learned in one year at this pace calculus should be a five year long subject how the hell can they learn it in one year, me I love math and did well in all those prior subjects but calculus doesn't seem to go next I mean pre calculus one year next year calculus it should come several years later.

Answer: That's very true: calculus can't be finished in one year. I takes one year to even understand the fundamentals of calculus, i.e., how limits and derivatives and all those things work and stuff. The best way to approach calculus is to learn it on your own before they actually teach it in school. I haven't even done pre-calculus in school yet, but i finished learning calculus on my own. Learning on your own before the semester begins helps you to really understand what your instructors are teaching you and it will all get in your brain that much faster. Hope this helps. EDIT : No, I'm not talking about differential equations, I'm talking about the basic fundamentals of calculus, like limits and derivatives. Actually, if you undersand these fundamentals, the more advanced concepts are pretty easy. When I say 'understand', i mean REALLY understand it, you know, get that 'Aha!' moment. That isn't easy to come by. I realized that I never really understood second derivatives until I learned about the power series. However, after I learned about second derivatives, the Taylor and Maclaurin series became a cinch and (with a little fundamental vector algebra knowledge), the Fourier series made sense too. So, when I say 'understand', I mean understand to a degee of perfection.


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